Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Motif of Batik Parang, Lereng and Cemukiran

Batik Parang and Lereng
This motifs in Surakarta palace including official uniforms palace, and who may wear only the King and His Son. The word "Parang" a change of the word "Pereng" or the edge of a cliff in the form of "Lereng" as low flatness of the plateau that forms a diagonal line. Taking a basic overview of the cliff southern coastal area of ​​the island of Java, which is named Paranggupito, Parangkusumo,  Parangtritis and etc.

The differences in patterns Bathik Parang and Lereng:
A. Characteristic feature of Bathik Parang:
  • 45° diagonal slope shape, 
  • Wearing 'Mlinjon',
  • Wearing 'Sujen',
  • Therehave 'Gareng's eyes'.

B. The characteristic feature of Bathik Lereng:
  • 45° diagonal sloping shape, 
  • Not always wear 'Mlinjon', 'Sujen' , 'Gareng's eyes',
  • Limited only by straight lines,
  • Could wear motif of 'Lung-lungan' or combination with Parangan form called 'Glebegan'.

Bathik Parang already growing before the establishment of the kingdom of Mataram Kartasura is:
  • Parang Rusak,
  • Parang Barong
  • Parang Rusak Barong,
  • Parang Kusumo,
  • Parang Pamor,
  • Parang Klithik,
  • etc.

As for Bathik Lereng were already known, among others:
  • Lereng Glebegan,
  • Lereng Thathit,
  • Lereng Sobrah,
  • etc.

Bathik Lereng original pattern of Surakarta is a pattern Bathik Lereng named "Udan Riris" and appeared in the reign of PB. III mid eighteenth century. The background of the birth of this motif is a form of concern after Mataram Surakarta split in two. (Between Yogyakarta and Surakarta) and one of its effects is not a regular rule conditions, there are still many improvements and concern. At that time the NT. III implementof 'teteki', one of which is bathing in the river flowing Premulung, Laweyan village near the tomb of his ancestors (Kyai Ageng Anis / parents Ki Ageng Pemanahan). In the 'teteki' he lit the 'teplok' lamp (lamp outboard) and at that moment a sudden drizzle. Incident that inspired him create patterns bathik "Udan Riris".

Bathik Cemukiran.
This motif is usually used for this type of headband or called 'udheng/dhestar' or better known as 'Blangkon'. This pattern line-shaped edge/periphery bathik with plain field called 'modang'. Bathik images adorn this pattern is the flame that implies the power to dampen greedy, it contains the teachings of that before we can defeat the enemy from outside should be able to defeat the enemy that comes from yourself (lust). This motif evolved during the PB. III and should only be used Pepatihdalem and Sentanadalem.